Recently in my quiet time, the Lord led me to Colossians 4:2-6.  I want to share with you what I believe the Lord is asking that we pray, when praying for Nothing but the Truth.

  1. That we be devoted to prayer. (vs.2)
  2. That we be watchful and thankful. (vs.2)
  3. For God to open doors for us to share Jesus. (vs.3)
  4. That we share Jesus clearly. (vs. 4)
  5. That we are wise in the way we act toward not yet believers. (vs. 5)
  6. That we make the most of every opportunity. (vs. 5)
  7. That our conversations always be full of grace. (vs. 6)

So, if the Lord brings Nothing but the Truth to your mind, please join with me in asking  the Lord to move in these specific ways.

By His Truth
